As a family company, sustainability has always been a part of how the HÖRMANN Group sees itself, and it is deeply embedded in its system of values. Based on this belief, we know that long-term  business success is only possible in accordance with social and ecological aspects. Sustainable practises are therefore the foundation for safeguarding the HÖRMANN Group’s viability in the long term.

Sustainability Report 2023

Sustainability Report 2023

With this sustainability report as an PDF, the HÖRMANN Group is providing information about its strategy and specific measures for assuming its economic, ecological, social and societal responsibility.


Sustainability Report 2022

With this sustainability report as an PDF, the HÖRMANN Group is providing information about its strategy and specific measures for assuming its economic, ecological, social and societal responsibility.

Sustainability Report 2021

Sustainability Report 2021

With this sustainability report as an interactive PDF, the HÖRMANN Group is providing information for the first time about its strategy and specific measures for assuming its economic, ecological, social and societal responsibility.

General statement – human rights

General statement - human rights

People. Values. Future. Respect for human rights is a declared goal of the HÖRMANN Group.

Compliance guidelines

Compliance guidelines

These compliance guidelines of the HÖRMANN Group set out the common framework for HÖRMANN Industries GmbH and its subsidiaries and equity investments.

Sustainability issues of the HÖRMANN Gruppe

The HÖRMANN GROUP has identified 14 key sustainability issues that are relevant to understanding the course of the business, the business results and the company’s situation. Furthermore,  these issues aid understanding of the HÖRMANN Group’s impact on non-financial aspects. The sustainability strategy is scrutinised and enhanced on a continuous basis.

HÖRMANN Gruppe Sustainability Report – Chart of Topics

The HÖRMANN Group supports the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations (UN) in September 2015 represent an important step towards a common understanding of the the global challenges we must meet in order to enable sustainable development.


HÖRMANN Gruppe Sustainability Report – SDG Items

Our sustainability initiatives in focus

With their energetic actions, the individual HÖRMANN subsidiaries make an important contribution to sustainable development.


IT security, cybersecurity and data protection are taken extremely seriously at all HÖRMANN Group companies in order to ensure that business systems and expertise enjoy reliable protection against espionage, sabotage and abuse.

Data protection and IT security

Less CO2 emissions and more climate protection - HÖRMANN Automotive Eislingen and HÖRMANN Vehicle Engineering show how it's done.


The certified work safety management system, which is also used at the company’s nine branches, controls all processes in order to ensure the highest possible degree of occupational  safety.

Occupational health and safety

Benefits increase employee satisfaction and make work more fun. HÖRMANN is offering one such benefit in partnership with Jobrad and makes a secure contribution to the future of its employees with the HÖRMANN pension.

Employee satisfaction

Every year, the Hans Hörmann Foundation supports talented, high-achieving students at the Technical University of Munich as part of the Scholarship for Germany scheme.

Social responsibility

Die Themen IT-Sicherheit, Cybersecurity und Datenschutz haben in allen Unternehmen der HÖRMANN Gruppe einen sehr hohen Stellenwert, um die Geschäftssysteme und das Knowhow zuverlässig vor Spionage, Sabotage oder Missbrauch zu schützen.

Datenschutz und IT-Sicherheit

Weniger CO2-Emissionen und mehr Klimaschutz – Die HÖRMANN Automotive Eislingen und HÖRMANN Vehicle Engineering zeigen, wie es geht.


Das zertifizierte Arbeitsschutzmanagementsystem, das auch HÖRMANN Kommunikation & Netze im Einsatz ist, regelt alle Prozesse zur Sicherstellung eines bestmöglichen Maßes an Arbeitssicherheit.

Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz

Benefits fördern die Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit und den Spaß an der Arbeit. HÖRMANN kooperiert mit Jobrad und leistet mit der HÖRMANN Rente eine sicheren Beitrag für die Zukunft seiner Mitarbeiter
