HÖRMANN Communication: ÖKOPROFIT Munich project
With ÖKOPROFIT, HÖRMANN Kommunikation & Netze GmbH is preparing for certification in accordance with ISO 14001.
Climate protection, Green Deal, Paris Agreement, annual sustainability reports - there are more and more regulations for businesses regarding what and how much they have to contribute to climate protection. Until now, HÖRMANN Kommunikation & Netze GmbH was certified according to QuB (Qualitätsverbund umweltbewusster Betriebe). However, this certificate is currently no longer awarded.
The new partner ÖKOPROFIT (ÖKOlogisches PROjekt Für Integrierte UmweltTechnik) develops an environmental management system together with companies on the basis of workshops with subsequent evaluation. With ÖKOPROFIT, HÖRMANN Kommunikation & Netze secures its continued membership of the Bavarian Environmental Pact and can prepare itself professionally for the statutory climate protection requirements and certification in accordance with ISO 14001.