The European Football Championship in our country has just shown us once again what a hospitable and cosmopolitan country Germany is. And we can be proud of this globally recognized German hospitality and cosmopolitanism. This makes us Germans and Germany "lovable" in the world and recognized worldwide. People from many different countries - both from Europe and overseas - have visited our country and celebrated with us in a friendly atmosphere at the "Public Viewing". What an inspiring experience and what a great atmosphere it was! And people from the most diverse cultures also contributed to this. Both in the German national team and in all other national teams, many players with a different cultural background, skin color or origin are the most important playmakers - they are fully integrated into the team and form a harmonious unit with the other national players with the same goal: to be successful together and win the game.

All these positive examples show us that we in Germany have been a cosmopolitan, multicultural society for many decades - and that this has long been a matter of course in our everyday lives. Today, around 30 percent of the population in Germany has a migrant background. We should keep reminding ourselves of this: Germany's economic success in recent decades and the prosperity of us all is based on this multicultural society and the many foreign workers!

The prosperity of world export champion Germany is not only due to leading technology "Made in Germany", but also to the high acceptance of Germans and Germany as a welcome trading partner in the world. The openness to the world that our foreign customers show us Germans must also be shown in equal measure to our foreign trading partners and all foreigners. Otherwise, free trade will quickly come to an end - with very negative consequences and loss of prosperity for our country, which is heavily dependent on exports, and also for the business activities of the HÖRMANN Group. Without openness to the world, there can be no prosperity and no secure jobs!

In this issue of mittendrin during the vacation season, when many of us are very cosmopolitan and travel to other countries, we want to show how cosmopolitan we are in the HÖRMANN Group and how important different cultures are for the HÖRMANN Group. We have a large number of people with a migration background working hand-in-hand with German employees on a daily basis and on an equal footing. We are proud that we offer everyone equal opportunities and equal pay for equal work, regardless of their origin, culture or nationality. There are many good examples of this.

HÖRMANN magazine "mittendrin" with focus: Open to the world