Creativity and innovation in research and development
HÖRMANN Vehicle Engineering accompanies the customer through the entire development process chain for rail, road and special vehicles. As a globally active engineering partner, we reliably offer complete vehicle expertise from the initial idea to the finished prototype and series production run.
What is your role at HÖRMANN Vehicle Engineering?
I am currently Head of Technical Calculation here at HÖRMANN Vehicle Engineering. As a member of the management team, I am also responsible for the sales division. With two engineering degrees and a long career at HÖRMANN Vehicle Engineering, my duties cover a wide range of responsibilities.
The sense of togetherness is palpable, not only within our individual companies, but also among the various subsidiaries.
We maintain close relationships with the affiliated companies in the HÖRMANN Group, such as Funkwerk and HÖRMANN Automotive, which fosters a strong sense of community. The rail sector has always inspired me personally. The opportunity to take part in exciting projects and to develop creatively as part of the development team is extremely motivating.
What motivates and inspires you?
My father had a model train set that I played with a lot. I also often went on train rides with my parents as a child, which is probably the source of my enthusiasm. And this enthusiasm for trains is still as strong as ever. I originally started here as a structural engineer. Even though my time doesn't allow me to do as much as it used to, I'm still passionate about doing a few calculations. It fills me with pride to see how the rail vehicles we develop successfully pass approval procedures and tests and how passengers are ultimately delighted with our streetcars and multiple units, locomotives and even high-speed trains.
What does employee retention look like at HÖRMANN Vehicle Engineering?
The diversity of our projects and the opportunity for continuous development are particularly important to us as an employer. We focus on creativity and innovation, particularly in the research and development of new materials and drive systems.
Employee retention plays a crucial role here, as experience and expertise are invaluable in the engineering industry. We invest heavily in the training and development of our employees and organize internal training courses where experienced managers pass on their expertise.
Why is it attractive to work for HÖRMANN Vehicle Engineering?
What makes us an attractive employer is clearly our diversity. One year we're developing a streetcar, then we're developing metro systems, then we're designing ultra-lightweight bogies, and then we're working on a hydrogen streetcar. These really are completely new products and designs every time.
In our industry, which is strongly characterized by technology and innovation, it is crucial that our team stays up to date. We offer a modern working environment and place great emphasis on creating a positive atmosphere where our employees feel comfortable and enjoy working together.
Our team consists of a mix of experienced employees and young talents who appreciate a varied and challenging working environment. We attach great importance to always being at the cutting edge of technology and recognizing trends at an early stage in order to be able to offer our customers innovative solutions. So if you love and appreciate variety and challenges, you've come to the right place.
Where can you see HÖRMANN Vehicle Engineering?
The name "HÖRMANN" is not usually found on our products, but Hörmann is inside. We develop the car bodies, the bogies, the entire interior. And then there are international rail vehicle manufacturers and suppliers who produce it exactly according to our plans and install it in their vehicles. You may not see our logo, but a lot of our engineering, technology and knowledge goes into it.
Do you have an anecdote for us about this?
When you're traveling through Germany or moving around the world, you often see vehicles we've developed and can tell your family about them. I particularly like this story. I was traveling in Hanover with my daughter, who was just three and a half years old at the time.
We were looking for the new streetcar for Hanover, which was my first major development project. I really wanted to ride this streetcar. It took us an hour and a half to two hours to find it, as only three or four had been delivered at the time.
When we finally got on and sat down, an elderly couple sat opposite us. My daughter proudly told them: "This is my dad's train." I explained to the gentleman how I had been involved in the development of this train. I had spent almost a year working on the calculations for the steel carriage body until everything worked statically and dynamically.
My daughter was proud and the older people were impressed. They said: "It really is a great train, we are grateful to have such a train here in Hanover." Moments like that make me proud and show that the work has paid off when the passengers are happy.
What drives HÖRMANN Vehicle Engineering?
At Hörmann Vehicle Engineering, we have a slogan or motto that reads "Design for Future Mobility". And that is precisely our daily goal. We develop the rail vehicles of tomorrow that will be traveling through cities and regions in just a few years. Our motto perfectly reflects our work, as we are constantly on the lookout for new trends and integrate them into our projects.
Whether it's autonomous driving, new drive technologies such as batteries or hydrogen - we always have our finger on the pulse. As a technology-oriented company, we thrive on and strive for such innovations. We use our expertise to create added value in countries that may not yet have these technologies.
For example, we can design a new fuel cell-powered streetcar and thus contribute to development in these countries. It is therefore essential for us to stay at the cutting edge of technology.
What are your hobbies?
Personally, I hardly have any time for hobbies as my work is my passion.
What was the best advice you received?
My structural engineering mentor gave me the advice: "If it looks good, it will last" - a principle that I am happy to pass on to my colleagues.
How would you describe the working atmosphere at HÖRMANN Vehicle Engineering?
The working atmosphere is very important to us. It is very important to us that everyone feels comfortable and that our equipment is state of the art. In our spacious offices, employees have the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas. I think applicants and new colleagues appreciate the atmosphere and the working environment.
Dear Alex, thank you very much for this interview.