HÖRMANN Logistik in Munich stepping up its activities in Poland
‘With the establishment of HÖRMANN Logistik Polska Sp. z o.o., we are launching our AutoStore® activities in Eastern Europe,’ said Oliver Vujcic, managing director of HÖRMANN Logistik. Since the start of 2020, the company has held distribution rights not only for the Germany region but also for Austria, Switzerland and Eastern Europe. HÖRMANN Logistik has set up a subsidiary in Poland to allow the CEE (Central and Eastern Europe) markets to be served more effectively alongside the numerous new projects in Austria. Agata Kostecka has been appointed managing director of the company. She brings with her extensive experience in automation technology and the Polish market and has also set up her own company before. For more information, visit www.hoermann-logistik.de/pl ENGINEERING H