Every year, the Hans Hörmann Foundation supports talented, high-achieving students at the Technical University of Munich as part of the Scholarship for Germany scheme. Scholarships are also awarded to doctoral students.

“Supporting young people is extremely important to us. We want to enable talented young people to flourish above and beyond their studies and obtain an insight into the diversity of the industry and the HÖRMANN Group at an early stage,” explains Elizabeth Hörmann, Chair of the Hans Hörmann Foundation.


HÖRMANN Gruppe – Nachhaltigkeitsbericht – Initiative Gesellschaftliche VerantwortungHÖRMANN Gruppe – Nachhaltigkeitsbericht – Initiative Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung

For HÖRMANN as a family-owned company, for our company founder Hans Hörmann and for the Hörmann shareholder family, corporate responsibility goes hand in hand with social responsibility. We strive to create added value for society as a whole.


Benefits for cycling to work

Cycling is good for the climate and good for your health. And benefits increase employee satisfaction and make work more fun. HÖRMANN is offering one such benefit in partnership with www.jobrad.org: Employees can select the bicycle of their choice from a range of selected dealers.

The employer then leases the bicycle and provides it to the employee to use whenever and however they want: to travel to work, in their everyday lives, and on holiday. This saves them money compared with buying a bicycle the usual way. Vedran Beslač, Senior Legal Counsel at HÖRMANN Industries GmbH, is full of enthusiasm:

HÖRMANN Gruppe – Sustainability Report – Initiative EmissionsHÖRMANN Gruppe – Sustainability Report – Initiative Emissions

»I intend to cycle more in future, so the offer from the HR department came at just the right time for me. I have already gone on my first rides. Cycling to work is a bit too much for me right now, since I live a few dozen kilometres away – but who knows, it might well become an option as I get fitter.«

Vedran Beslač
Senior Legal Counsel in der HÖRMANN Industries GmbH

The hot topics at the Group

Daniela Heger, industrial designer at H.RMANN Vehicle Engineering GmbH: “I never fail to be impressed by the diversity within the HÖRMANN Group. The ‘mittendrin’ employee magazine regularly showcases the different companies and provides insights into their flagship projects, working environment and culture. I especially enjoy the introduction, which neatly summarises the current situation and the hot topics at the Group and gives you the good feeling of belonging.”

to the magazine (only german)

HÖRMANN Gruppe – Nachhaltigkeitsbericht – Initiative Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit

Thinking about tomorrow today

“As an employer, we are also responsible for ensuring our employees’ pension provision,” says Johann Schmid-Davis, CFO of the HÖRMANN Group. The HÖRMANN Group offers its employees a modern, pioneering system: the HÖRMANN pension. All employees can voluntarily contribute portions of their salary to a separate pension scheme, saving them taxes and social security contributions while also allowing them to benefit from an extremely generous employer subsidy. Johann Schmid-Davis: “By providing a strong company pension scheme, we are doing our bit to ensure that our employees can look to the future without worry.”

HÖRMANN Gruppe – Nachhaltigkeitsbericht – Initiative Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit

Working safely in a dangerous environment

“Fortunately, we have never had a workplace accident with serious consequences for anyone’s health – even though our employees do spend time in  dangerous environments. For example, some of them work on pylons or at great heights, while others work on the railway track bed. Protecting our employees is our top priority!” These are the words of Johannes Antoni, Managing Director of HÖRMANN Kommunikation & Netze GmbH. The certified work safety management system, which is also used at the company’s nine branches, controls all processes in order to ensure the highest possible degree of occupational safety. The company has a dedicated safety expert to assist the management in fulfilling its responsibilities in this area. Johannes Antoni adds: “Every year, we organise an occupational safety week and health days. Regular training, continuous awareness of potential dangers and the systematic analysis of incidents, including the implementation of protective measures, are the key to preventing accidents. Every branch, every task and every construction site has its own specific requirements and hazardous situations and requires the appropriate occupational safety measures.”

HÖRMANN Gruppe – Sustainability Report – Initiative Emissions

The highest standards of health management

Over the past two years, the key topics for Bernd Jermis have been the COVID-19 pandemic, protecting more than 600 employees and maintaining the factory’s production capability. He is responsible for occupational safety at HÖRMANN Automotive Gustavsburg GmbH – and thus also for health protection. “We had some cases of infection, but no major outbreaks,” he notes with relief. Working in close cooperation with management, he and his colleagues at the plant adopted a “safety first” approach right from the start.


HÖRMANN Gruppe – Sustainability Report – Initiative Emissions

HÖRMANN Gruppe – Nachhaltigkeitsbericht – Initiative Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz

A test facility was quickly established 

At the onset of the pandemic, the occupational safety team at the Gustavsburg plant provided employees with high-quality masks that they could also use outside the workplace. A test facility was quickly established and mobile teams were even able to perform tests in the workplace. At the factory gate, a strict checkpoint was set up for all visitors and truck drivers with mandatory testing and, later, mandatory application of the German “3G” rules. A vaccination centre was established at the plant at a very early stage and the necessary vaccines were provided to employees via various special campaigns. Family members were also offered vaccinations. This helped to prevent numerous infections and identify cases as quickly as possible. As Bernd Jermis says: “We achieved our goal. The production capability of the plant was never in danger – thanks to everyone’s efforts.”

Training and qualifications at HÖRMANN Automotive

When he shows people around the training workshop at HÖRMANN Automotive Eislingen GmbH, Artur Knödlseder loves to point out the different machines at which trainees start learning their  trade. “I have been a training instructor for more than 20 years,” he says, adding: “Only ever for boys. But now we have the first two girls training to be construction mechanics.”

HÖRMANN Gruppe – Nachhaltigkeitsbericht – Initiative Mitarbeiterförderung und -entwicklung

In-house training has a long tradition at HÖRMANN.

Trainees are familiarised with different areas of work, allowing them to decide what suits them best in the long term. Our aim is to prepare young people for the specific requirements of the respective trade at an early stage and provide them with valuable skills and qualifications for the future. Although the training vocations vary considerably – from construction mechanics to toolmakers to industrial clerks – all of the trainees learn a great deal, are handed responsibility at a young age, and get used to working independently. “At the same time, however, the whole team is always on hand to assist the trainees with their work and help them with any questions or tasks,” Artur Knödlseder emphasises.

HÖRMANN Gruppe – Nachhaltigkeitsbericht – Initiative Mitarbeiterförderung und -entwicklung
HÖRMANN Gruppe – Nachhaltigkeitsbericht – Initiative Mitarbeiterförderung und -entwicklung
HÖRMANN Gruppe – Nachhaltigkeitsbericht – Initiative Mitarbeiterförderung und -entwicklung

Dual study programme: theory and practice in perfect harmony

The HÖRMANN Group offers students a dual study programme that encompasses both practical training and academic studies. Felix Ullmann has already completed his dual study programme with HÖRMANN Rawema GmbH and now works as a project engineer: “Right from the start, I enjoyed the opportunity to combine hands-on work with theoretical learning.”

HÖRMANN Gruppe – Nachhaltigkeitsbericht – Initiative Mitarbeiterförderung und -entwicklung

HÖRMANN Gruppe – Nachhaltigkeitsbericht – Initiative Mitarbeiterförderung und -entwicklung

Other students also appreciate the practical experience and the specific insights into the world of work. Benjamin Bielefeld, Managing Director of HÖRMANN Rawema, adds: “Dual study programmes require employers to integrate students into working processes at an early stage, making them the ideal combination of in-house training and external education.” The prospective engineers at HÖRMANN companies such as Automotive, BauPlan and Rawema are quickly made a part of the team – and typically end up staying with the company for the long term. This is hugely advantageous, not least at a time when there is a shortage of engineers.

By definition, scrap is something that gets thrown away. However, scrap metal is a valuable secondary raw material that makes an importantncontribution to conserving natural resources and reducing the energy used in metal processing. “Industry has long been working hard to develop ways of getting the best possible use out of the expensive commodity of steel and generating as little waste as possible,” says Stefan Kuhn, Managing Director of HÖRMANN Automotive Gustavsburg GmbH.

There are different approaches to achieving this: producing less waste by optimising the arrangement of the products to be punched on a board, and investing directly in high-quality recycling.

HÖRMANN Gruppe – Nachhaltigkeitsbericht – Initiative Eingesetzte Materialien und RecyclingHÖRMANN Gruppe – Nachhaltigkeitsbericht – Initiative Eingesetzte Materialien und Recycling

»Although our Gustavsburg plant processes more than 100,000 tons of steel every year, thus converting a huge quantity of raw materials into valuable components for the commercial vehicle industry, we also do our best to conserve the world’s natural resources through efficient recycling.«

Stefan Kuhn
Managing Director of HÖRMANN Automotive Gustavsburg GmbH

Proper separation is important

Steel is well suited to recycling because it can be easily melted down again. “We know that our scrap is transported to selected recyclers. Steelworks then use the scrap steel as aggregate in new steel products,” says Stefan Kuhn.

To ensure the purity and quality of the new material, it is important that scrap is strictly separated and that no foreign substances find their way into the containers. At the Gustavsburg plant, the waste (or scrap) resulting from the pressing and punching process is collected in containers manually or using conveyor belts – and carefully separated by individual material type.

HÖRMANN Gruppe – Nachhaltigkeitsbericht – Initiative eingesetzte Materialien und Recycling

Soak up the sun at Klatt Fördertechnik

Klatt Fördertechnik GmbH has one on the roof of its building in Neumarkt on the Wallersee Lake in Austria, while VacuTec Me.technik GmbH in Dresden and HÖRMANN Industrieservice GmbH are in the process of installing them: photovoltaic systems. 

This technology generates electricity from sunlight and makes an important contribution to environmentally friendly power generation. And it is set to continue to enjoy high demand in future, not least in light of the sharp rise in fossil fuel prices. “As planners and installers, we offer complete infrastructure solutions for businesses and homes in close cooperation with our partners. In addition to photovoltaic systems, we supply and install solutions for power storage and intelligent cloud solutions for electricity and charging technology or e-mobility,” says Dirk Jakobs, Managing Director of HÖRMANN Industrieservice.


Die Klatt Fördertechnik GmbH in Neumarkt am österreichischen Wallersee hat eine auf dem Dach, die VacuTec Meßtechnik GmbH in Dresden auch und die HÖRMANN Industrieservice GmbH installiert sie: Die Rede ist von Photovoltaikanlagen. Sie erzeugen Strom aus Sonnenlicht und leisten damit einen wesentlichen Beitrag zu einer klimafreundlichen Stromerzeugung. Vor allem vor dem Hintergrund der stark steigenden Preise für fossile Brennstoffe wird diese Technologie auch in Zukunft sehr gefragt sein.  „Als Planer und Installateur bieten wir in enger Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Partnern komplette Infra­strukturlösungen für Gewerbe oder Eigenheim. Über Photovoltaikanlagen hinaus liefern und montieren wir auch Lösungen für Stromspeicher, intelligente Cloud-Lösungen für Elektrizität und für Ladetechnologie bzw. Elektromobilität“, erläutert Dirk Jakobs, Geschäftsführer von HÖRMANN Industrieservice. Peter Klatt, Gründer und Ge­schäfts­führer der Klatt Fördertechnik, beschreibt seine Motivation für die Investitions­entschei­dung: „In Verbindung mit unserem Neubau haben wir uns entschieden, unsere Verantwortung wahrzunehmen und einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Klimaschutz zu leisten.“ Auf dem Hallendach liefert eine Photovoltaikanlage mit einer Fläche von 350 Quadratmetern klimafreundlichen Strom (50 kW Nennleistung). Und diesen Schritt hat Klatt auch gleich mit einer Grundsatzentscheidung hin zur Elektromobilität verbunden: Auf den Mitarbeiterparkplätzen stehen acht Ladesäulen, die acht elektrobetriebene Firmenwagen laden. „Von der Sonne auf die Straße – dies ist ein erfolgreiches Pilotprojekt für ein klimafreundliches Mobilitätssystem, welches weitgehend unabhängig von Öl und Gas ist“, erklärt Peter Klatt stolz. Die Klatt Fördertechnik GmbH in Neumarkt am österreichischen Wallersee hat eine auf dem Dach, die VacuTec Meßtechnik GmbH in Dresden auch und die HÖRMANN Industrieservice GmbH installiert sie: Die Rede ist von Photovoltaikanlagen. Sie erzeugen Strom aus Sonnenlicht und leisten damit einen wesentlichen Beitrag zu einer klimafreundlichen Stromerzeugung. Vor allem vor dem Hintergrund der stark steigenden Preise für fossile Brennstoffe wird diese Technologie auch in Zukunft sehr gefragt sein.  „Als Planer und Installateur bieten wir in enger Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Partnern komplette Infra­strukturlösungen für Gewerbe oder Eigenheim. Über Photovoltaikanlagen hinaus liefern und montieren wir auch Lösungen für Stromspeicher, intelligente Cloud-Lösungen für Elektrizität und für Ladetechnologie bzw. Elektromobilität“, erläutert Dirk Jakobs, Geschäftsführer von HÖRMANN Industrieservice. Peter Klatt, Gründer und Ge­schäfts­führer der Klatt Fördertechnik, beschreibt seine Motivation für die Investitions­entschei­dung: „In Verbindung mit unserem Neubau haben wir uns entschieden, unsere Verantwortung wahrzunehmen und einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Klimaschutz zu leisten.“ Auf dem Hallendach liefert eine Photovoltaikanlage mit einer Fläche von 350 Quadratmetern klimafreundlichen Strom (50 kW Nennleistung). Und diesen Schritt hat Klatt auch gleich mit einer Grundsatzentscheidung hin zur Elektromobilität verbunden: Auf den Mitarbeiterparkplätzen stehen acht Ladesäulen, die acht elektrobetriebene Firmenwagen laden. „Von der Sonne auf die Straße – dies ist ein erfolgreiches Pilotprojekt für ein klimafreundliches Mobilitätssystem, welches weitgehend unabhängig von Öl und Gas ist“, erklärt Peter Klatt stolz. Die Klatt Fördertechnik GmbH in Neumarkt am österreichischen Wallersee hat eine auf dem Dach, die VacuTec Meßtechnik GmbH in Dresden auch und die HÖRMANN Industrieservice GmbH installiert sie: Die Rede ist von Photovoltaikanlagen. Sie erzeugen Strom aus Sonnenlicht und leisten damit einen wesentlichen Beitrag zu einer klimafreundlichen Stromerzeugung. Vor allem vor dem Hintergrund der stark steigenden Preise für fossile Brennstoffe wird diese Technologie auch in Zukunft sehr gefragt sein.  „Als Planer und Installateur bieten wir in enger Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Partnern komplette Infra­strukturlösungen für Gewerbe oder Eigenheim. Über Photovoltaikanlagen hinaus liefern und montieren wir auch Lösungen für Stromspeicher, intelligente Cloud-Lösungen für Elektrizität und für Ladetechnologie bzw. Elektromobilität“, erläutert Dirk Jakobs, Geschäftsführer von HÖRMANN Industrieservice. Peter Klatt, Gründer und Ge­schäfts­führer der Klatt Fördertechnik, beschreibt seine Motivation für die Investitions­entschei­dung: „In Verbindung mit unserem Neubau haben wir uns entschieden, unsere Verantwortung wahrzunehmen und einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Klimaschutz zu leisten.“ Auf dem Hallendach liefert eine Photovoltaikanlage mit einer Fläche von 350 Quadratmetern klimafreundlichen Strom (50 kW Nennleistung). Und diesen Schritt hat Klatt auch gleich mit einer Grundsatzentscheidung hin zur Elektromobilität verbunden: Auf den Mitarbeiterparkplätzen stehen acht Ladesäulen, die acht elektrobetriebene Firmenwagen laden. „Von der Sonne auf die Straße – dies ist ein erfolgreiches Pilotprojekt für ein klimafreundliches Mobilitätssystem, welches weitgehend unabhängig von Öl und Gas ist“, erklärt Peter Klatt stolz. Die Klatt Fördertechnik GmbH in Neumarkt am österreichischen Wallersee hat eine auf dem Dach, die VacuTec Meßtechnik GmbH in Dresden auch und die HÖRMANN Industrieservice GmbH installiert sie: Die Rede ist von Photovoltaikanlagen. Sie erzeugen Strom aus Sonnenlicht und leisten damit einen wesentlichen Beitrag zu einer klimafreundlichen Stromerzeugung. Vor allem vor dem Hintergrund der stark steigenden Preise für fossile Brennstoffe wird diese Technologie auch in Zukunft sehr gefragt sein.  „Als Planer und Installateur bieten wir in enger Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Partnern komplette Infra­strukturlösungen für Gewerbe oder Eigenheim. Über Photovoltaikanlagen hinaus liefern und montieren wir auch Lösungen für Stromspeicher, intelligente Cloud-Lösungen für Elektrizität und für Ladetechnologie bzw. Elektromobilität“, erläutert Dirk Jakobs, Geschäftsführer von HÖRMANN Industrieservice. Peter Klatt, Gründer und Ge­schäfts­führer der Klatt Fördertechnik, beschreibt seine Motivation für die Investitions­entschei­dung: „In Verbindung mit unserem Neubau haben wir uns entschieden, unsere Verantwortung wahrzunehmen und einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Klimaschutz zu leisten.“ Auf dem Hallendach liefert eine Photovoltaikanlage mit einer Fläche von 350 Quadratmetern klimafreundlichen Strom (50 kW Nennleistung). Und diesen Schritt hat Klatt auch gleich mit einer Grundsatzentscheidung hin zur Elektromobilität verbunden: Auf den Mitarbeiterparkplätzen stehen acht Ladesäulen, die acht elektrobetriebene Firmenwagen laden. „Von der Sonne auf die Straße – dies ist ein erfolgreiches Pilotprojekt für ein klimafreundliches Mobilitätssystem, welches weitgehend unabhängig von Öl und Gas ist“, erklärt Peter Klatt stolz. HÖRMANN Gruppe – Sustainability Report – Initiative Emissions


Klatt Fördertechnik GmbH

VacuTec Meßtechnik GmbH

Area of photovoltaic system:

350 m²

226 solar modules x 1,125  = 254,25 m²

Nominal output:

50 kW

39,55 kW

Annual power generated (2021):

50.000 kWh – Used for e-mobility, own consumption and grid feed-in

32.074,9 kWh – Used for own consumption and grid feed-in


8 charging points for 8 electric vehicles
(73 % of the company car fleet)

LED lighting

The complete production area (the existing hall and the new production hall) have been fully converted to LED lighting.

The company has been fully converted to LED lighting.


8 charging points for 8 electric vehicles

Peter Klatt, founder and Managing Director of Klatt Fördertechnik, explains the reasons behind his company’s investment decision: “When planning our new building, we decided to take responsibility and make an important contribution to climate protection.” A 350 square metre photovoltaic system on the hall roof generates green electricity (with a nominal output of 50 kW). Klatt combined this move with another fundamental decision to support e-mobility: The employee parking lot is now home to eight charging stations for eight electric company cars. “From the sun to the road – this is a successful pilot project for a climate-friendly mobility system that is largely independent of oil and gas,” says Peter Klatt with considerable pride.

HÖRMANN Gruppe – Nachhaltigkeitsbericht – Initiative Energieverbrauch, erneuerbare Energien und Energieeffizienzgesetz

Charging stations to support the future of e-mobility

Demand for electric cars is rising. More electric vehicles means increased demand for charging infrastructure in all areas. Germany is planning to install a million publicly accessible charging points between now and 2030. Users will be able to charge their electric vehicles at all petrol stations and customer parking lots in Germany.

HÖRMANN Gruppe – Sustainability Report – Initiative EmissionsHÖRMANN Gruppe – Nachhaltigkeitsbericht – Initiative EmissionenHÖRMANN Gruppe – Sustainability Report – Initiative EmissionsHÖRMANN Gruppe – Nachhaltigkeitsbericht – Initiative Emissionen

»Our approach is backed up by the large number of enquiries we receive. We are well on our way to becoming one of the biggest manufacturers of charging stations in Germany, thereby making an important contribution to the rapid development of e-mobility and climate protection in Germany.«

Marcus Schaffranka
Managing Director of HÖRMANN Systems Assembly GmbH

HÖRMANN Gruppe – Nachhaltigkeitsbericht – Initiative Energieverbrauch, erneuerbare Energien und Energieeffizienzgesetz

Around 600 charging stations a month left the plant in 2021

“We have focused on this dynamically growing market since 2017,” explains Marcus Schaffranka, Managing Director of HÖRMANN Automotive Wackersdorf GmbH. As a simultaneous engineering partner and process expert, the company supports the manufacturing process for the product, harnesses its network in the automotive supply industry to ensure the broad-based procurement of electronic components, and assembles a wide range of charging stations for OEMs. Around 600 charging stations a month left the plant in 2021. This figure is set to rise to 800 a month in 2022.

HÖRMANN Gruppe – Nachhaltigkeitsbericht – Initiative Energieverbrauch, erneuerbare Energien und Energieeffizienzgesetz

A new powder coating system for HÖRMANN Automotive

HÖRMANN Automotive Eislingen GmbH has commissioned a new powder coating system at its plant in Ebersbach. “This significantly reduces the emissions that previously resulted from having to transport our products to an external paint shop for many years,” says Managing Director Frank Arnhold. The state-of-the-art painting system can apply high-quality coatings to steel and aluminium substrates, thereby reducing the risk of quality defects. “We opted for an environmentally friendly powder coating system in order to avoid the use of solvents and CFCs in degreasers and paints,” explains Frank Arnhold. The automated coating chamber includes a powder recovery system that helps to conserve resources by reducing the use of materials (powder) by around 15 percent. Another special feature of this modern system is that no effluents are disposed of in the sewer system. The plans to intensify utilisation as part of a continuous three-shift pattern mean there will be fewer heat losses in the drying process in future, resulting in a further improvement in energy efficiency.

HÖRMANN Gruppe – Sustainability Report – Initiative EmissionsHÖRMANN Gruppe – Sustainability Report – Initiative EmissionsHÖRMANN Gruppe – Sustainability Report – Initiative EmissionsHÖRMANN Gruppe – Sustainability Report – Initiative Emissions

HÖRMANN Gruppe – Nachhaltigkeitsbericht – Initiative Emissionen

Hydrogen powered tram for climate protection

Alternative drive systems are essential in order to ensure mobility while lowering CO2 emissions  and improving climate protection. “Using fuel cell technology to harness hydrogen is already being trialled in various applications, such as buses and trucks,” explains Frank Salzwedel, Managing Director of HÖRMANN Vehicle Engineering GmbH (HVE).

HÖRMANN Gruppe – Sustainability Report – Initiative EmissionsHÖRMANN Gruppe – Nachhaltigkeitsbericht – Initiative EmissionenHÖRMANN Gruppe – Nachhaltigkeitsbericht – Initiative EmissionenHÖRMANN Gruppe – Sustainability Report – Initiative EmissionsHÖRMANN Gruppe – Sustainability Report – Initiative EmissionsHÖRMANN Gruppe – Nachhaltigkeitsbericht – Initiative Emissionen

HÖRMANN Gruppe – Nachhaltigkeitsbericht – Initiative Emissionen

Europe has yet to see a hydrogen-powered tram.

HVE is working to change this in partnership with the Leipzig-based tram manufacturer HeiterBlick and other companies. Together, they are developing one of the most innovative projects for rail vehicles. Customers have also requested an alternative to diesel-powered light rail. However, new approaches are needed if the suburbs and surrounding areas of cities are to be connected without the need for extensive new routes and costly overhead lines. Sustainable products like tram-trains and hydrogen-powered trams will be key to achieving this. “We need new solutions for connecting climate-friendly urban transport and surrounding areas in a way that is economically viable,” emphasises Frank Salzwedel.

»Hydrogen will be a major energy source of the future and can significantly expand the reach of public transportation outside the city centre.«

Frank Salzwedel
Managing Director of HÖRMANN Vehicle Engineering GmbH

HÖRMANN Gruppe – Nachhaltigkeitsbericht – Initiative Emissionen

Diversity is our strength

The HÖRMANN Group has been at the forefront of innovation for more than 65 years.

By continuously investing in our employees’ expertise and the latest technologies, our family company has grown to include 33 affiliated companies. We are successful in four divisions: Automotive, Communication, Engineering and Intralogistics.

HÖRMANN solutions help customers to go a step further – or make a quantum leap. Our recipe for success: the corporate culture of a family company with the freedom to develop new ideas, a strong team spirit, and employees who want to make a difference.


Hans Hörmann, Gründer der HÖRMANN Gruppe, zu der 27 Tochtergesellschaften gehören..
»Identify potential, shape growth and act on the basis of a clear strategy.«

Motto of Hans Hörmann, company founder

Management of the HÖRMANN Group

Dr. Michael Radke

Michael Radke holds a doctorate in mechanical engineering and has been Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of HÖRMANN Industries since 2017. Prior to this, he worked for ten years for the pump manufacturer KSB AG as Head of Design & Development and Head of Business Unit. In addition, he was CEO of Heinkel AG from 2001 to 2005. In his most recent position before joining the HÖRMANN Group, he was responsible for a decade as Chief Operation Officer for Sales and Technology for the broadly diversified Leistritz AG.

Johann Schmid-Davis

The business administration graduate has been active in various commercial functions in the HÖRMANN Group for 18 years. After working as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at the fully consolidated HÖRMANN subsidiary Funkwerk AG from 2009 to 2013, he joined HÖRMANN Holding as Head of Finance and has been CFO of HÖRMANN Industries since 2015.

Our Advisory Board

Dipl.-Ing. Hans Hörmann sen. (Honorary Chairman)


Dr. Andreas Albath (Chairman)

Stefan Buchner

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Siegfried Bülow

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Johann Hörmann

Florian Schauenburg

Daniel Szabo

Close to the customer requirements of tomorrow

The HÖRMANN Group thinks integratively: as a technology company, we network our knowledge and bundle our expertise in four future-oriented technology divisions. Together with our customers, we give new impetus to the market.

HÖRMANN Gruppe – history Group Image in front of The Bavaria

The HÖRMANN Group companies cover an extremely wide range of business areas, but they all have one thing in common: a focus on top-quality products and long-standing customer  relationships.

Kerstin Schreiber, CEO of Funkwerk AG: “Because our products for train radio communication in rail transport are security-relevant, they boast outstanding quality and are all thoroughly tested before they are delivered. In addition to this reliability, the quality of our train radio products is underlined by their impressive durability.”

Train radio ensures that rail vehicles can communicate while on the move. More than 50,000 cab radios and 15,000 handheld sets produced by Funkwerk are in use around the world. We have well-established relationships with our customers around the world – from Scandinavia to South Africa, and from Mexico to China and Australia.

HÖRMANN Gruppe – sustainability Report – Initiative Customer satisfaction and product responsibilityHÖRMANN Gruppe – sustainability Report – Initiative Customer satisfaction and product responsibilityHÖRMANN Gruppe – sustainability Report – Initiative Customer satisfaction and product responsibilityHÖRMANN Gruppe – sustainability Report – Initiative Customer satisfaction and product responsibility

»With a view to climate protection and rising energy costs, the train will be the most important means of transport in the future.«

Kerstin Schreiber
CEO of Funkwerk AG

A cross-boarder challenge

One particular challenge is cross-border trains, which often have to satisfy different mobile  communication standards. Ensuring that Funkwerk’s systems are durable enough to be used in trains and locomotives for many decades represents a major challenge for the company. “The long-term focus of our lifecycle management and our ability to quickly develop equivalent replacement assemblies even after several decades help us to achieve a high degree of customer satisfaction that makes customers stay loyal to us for the long term,” Schreiber adds. Thanks to its reliable products, Funkwerk is making an important contribution to safe rail transport.

HÖRMANN Gruppe – Nachhaltigkeitsbericht – Initiative Kundenzufriedenheit und Produktverantwortung

IT security, cybersecurity and data protection are taken extremely seriously at all HÖRMANN Group companies in order to ensure that business systems and expertise enjoy reliable protection against espionage, sabotage and abuse. 

At their customers’ request, some HÖRMANN Group companies even obtain certification for their business and IT systems in accordance with the TISAX standard or the ISO 27001 IT security standard, allowing them to guarantee a particularly high level of security when it comes to data protection, expertise and data exchange. “But there is no use in having security measures in place if users within the company unknowingly allow dangerous software into the company or run it from an e-mail,” adds Uwe Reith.

The gateway is typically the user who clicks an e-mail attachment, inserts a USB stick or uses an insecure Wi-Fi connection – all of which can make an attack possible in the first place. Accordingly, one of the central elements of HÖRMANN’s approach to IT security is to provide employees with continuous training and awareness. In particular, this involves the security training that forms part of the programme offered by our partner SoSafe.

HÖRMANN Gruppe – Nachhaltigkeitsbericht – Initiative  Datenschutz It-Sicherheit

»You can’t see the danger – and once you do, it is usually too late and there is no time to react. Hackers can identify vulnerabilities in IT systems incredibly quickly.«

Uwe Reith
Managing Director of HÖRMANN Informationssysteme GmbH


SoSafe is a training platform for increasing IT security that has been customised for the HÖRMANN Group. It uses videos to illustrate technical content clearly and comprehensively for all employees. It ends with a short multiple-choice test on the information learned. Regular test e-mails are used to challenge employees and make sure they stay alert. The regular training and tests are essential when it comes to ensuring a high degree of protection against invisible threats and obtaining IT security certification.

HÖRMANN Gruppe – Nachhaltigkeitsbericht – Initiative  Datenschutz It-Sicherheit