As a family company, sustainability has always been a part of how the HÖRMANN Group sees itself, and it is deeply embedded in its system of values. Based on this belief, we know that long-term  business success is only possible in accordance with social and ecological aspects. Sustainable practises are therefore the foundation for safeguarding the HÖRMANN Group’s viability in the long term.

Sustainability Report 2023

Sustainability Report 2023

With this sustainability report as an PDF, the HÖRMANN Group is providing information about its strategy and specific measures for assuming its economic, ecological, social and societal responsibility.


Sustainability Report 2022

With this sustainability report as an PDF, the HÖRMANN Group is providing information about its strategy and specific measures for assuming its economic, ecological, social and societal responsibility.

Sustainability Report 2021

Sustainability Report 2021

With this sustainability report as an interactive PDF, the HÖRMANN Group is providing information for the first time about its strategy and specific measures for assuming its economic, ecological, social and societal responsibility.

General statement – human rights

General statement - human rights

People. Values. Future. Respect for human rights is a declared goal of the HÖRMANN Group.

Compliance guidelines

Compliance guidelines

These compliance guidelines of the HÖRMANN Group set out the common framework for HÖRMANN Industries GmbH and its subsidiaries and equity investments.

Sustainability issues of the HÖRMANN Gruppe

The HÖRMANN GROUP has identified 14 key sustainability issues that are relevant to understanding the course of the business, the business results and the company’s situation. Furthermore,  these issues aid understanding of the HÖRMANN Group’s impact on non-financial aspects. The sustainability strategy is scrutinised and enhanced on a continuous basis.

HÖRMANN Gruppe Sustainability Report – Chart of Topics

The HÖRMANN Group supports the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations (UN) in September 2015 represent an important step towards a common understanding of the the global challenges we must meet in order to enable sustainable development.


HÖRMANN Gruppe Sustainability Report – SDG Items

Our sustainability initiatives in focus

With their energetic actions, the individual HÖRMANN subsidiaries make an important contribution to sustainable development.


IT security, cybersecurity and data protection are taken extremely seriously at all HÖRMANN Group companies in order to ensure that business systems and expertise enjoy reliable protection against espionage, sabotage and abuse.

Data protection and IT security

Less CO2 emissions and more climate protection - HÖRMANN Automotive Eislingen and HÖRMANN Vehicle Engineering show how it's done.


The certified work safety management system, which is also used at the company’s nine branches, controls all processes in order to ensure the highest possible degree of occupational  safety.

Occupational health and safety

Benefits increase employee satisfaction and make work more fun. HÖRMANN is offering one such benefit in partnership with Jobrad and makes a secure contribution to the future of its employees with the HÖRMANN pension.

Employee satisfaction

Every year, the Hans Hörmann Foundation supports talented, high-achieving students at the Technical University of Munich as part of the Scholarship for Germany scheme.

Social responsibility

Die Themen IT-Sicherheit, Cybersecurity und Datenschutz haben in allen Unternehmen der HÖRMANN Gruppe einen sehr hohen Stellenwert, um die Geschäftssysteme und das Knowhow zuverlässig vor Spionage, Sabotage oder Missbrauch zu schützen.

Datenschutz und IT-Sicherheit

Weniger CO2-Emissionen und mehr Klimaschutz – Die HÖRMANN Automotive Eislingen und HÖRMANN Vehicle Engineering zeigen, wie es geht.


Das zertifizierte Arbeitsschutzmanagementsystem, das auch HÖRMANN Kommunikation & Netze im Einsatz ist, regelt alle Prozesse zur Sicherstellung eines bestmöglichen Maßes an Arbeitssicherheit.

Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz

Benefits fördern die Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit und den Spaß an der Arbeit. HÖRMANN kooperiert mit Jobrad und leistet mit der HÖRMANN Rente eine sicheren Beitrag für die Zukunft seiner Mitarbeiter


We are actively driving development in the world of high technology. That is why we continuously reinvent ourselves. The more dynamic the change, the more important it is to take a clear stand: The HÖRMANN Group is more than the sum of its companies. We are a team. Togetherness is a strength! We work together in line with the values that made our family company what it is today. They are deeply rooted within us – and keep us on our growth path.

Warum sind Werte wichtig?

Wir sind der Meinung, dass Werte eine sehr hohe Bedeutung für unser Verhalten und unsere Kommunikation im Arbeitsalltag, für den Umgang mit Kunden, Lieferanten und Geschäftspartnern und selbstverständlich auch für unser Miteinander haben. Werte sind ein gemeinsames – meistens nicht offen ausgesprochenes oder klar formuliertes – Grundverständnis in einer Gemeinschaft über das, was uns wirklich wichtig ist, uns prägt, unser Denken, Fühlen und Handeln leitet. Gemeinsame und gelebte Werte sind ein spürbarer Ausdruck unserer Unternehmenskultur.

Die HÖRMANN Gruppe ist durch eine hohe Vielfalt mit vielen unterschiedlichen Geschäften und 27 Gesellschaften gekennzeichnet, die an verschiedenen Standorten ihre regionalen Wurzeln und Prägungen haben und die alle eine andere Historie in der Unternehmensentwicklung aufweisen. Insbesondere die mehr als 2.800 Mitarbeiter haben einen vielfältigen kulturellen Hintergrund, verschiedenste Ausbildungen und Erfahrungen sowie ihre ganz besondere individuelle Persönlichkeit. Und doch verbindet uns bei HÖRMANN so etwas wie ein unsichtbares, starkes Band: unsere Werte!


Wie werden die Werte erlebbar?

Jeder Mensch und jeder Mitarbeiter in der HÖRMANN Gruppe hat seine eigene Interpretation der vorgestellten Werte und vor dem Hintergrund seiner individuellen Erfahrungen und eigenen Erlebnisse werden aus dem beruflichen Alltag etwas anderes mit den Werten verbunden.

Trotz aller Diversität und Individualität bilden die Werte der HÖRMANN Gruppe ein starkes, unsichtbares Band, das uns alle miteinander verbindet und in eine erfolgreiche Zukunft leitet. Wenn wir unsere Verantwortung wahrnehmen und diese Werte leben, wenn wir mit Wertschätzung und Respekt zusammenarbeiten, dann werden wir auch gemeinsam unsere Zukunft erfolgreich gestalten.

HÖRMANN Gruppe – Dr.-Ing. Michael Radke CEO
»Bei aller Diversität und Individualität bilden die Werte der HÖRMANN Gruppe ein starkes, unsichtbares Band, das uns alle miteinander verbindet und in eine erfolgreiche Zukunft leitet.«

Dr.-Ing. Michael Radke, CEO

HÖRMANN Gruppe – Magazin mittendrin 02 Unsere Werte

Magazine "mittendrin" | 2-2020

These compliance guidelines of the HÖRMANN Group set out the common framework for HÖRMANN Industries GmbH and its subsidiaries and equity investments.

The management boards and managing directors of the subsidiaries and equity investments are obliged to ensure that these guidelines are applied as binding within their respective companies. Employees who conduct themselves with personal integrity are essential to the credibility  of the HÖRMANN Group. Every employee is obliged to know and comply with the relevant laws and provisions, including these compliance guidelines.

1. Scope of application

These compliance guidelines of the HÖRMANN Group set out the common framework for HÖRMANN Industries GmbH and its subsidiaries and equity investments (hereinafter also referred to collectively as the “HÖRMANN Group”).

The management boards and managing directors of the subsidiaries and equity investments are obliged to ensure that these guidelines are applied as binding within their respective companies. Employees who conduct themselves with personal integrity are essential to the credibility and strong public image of the HÖRMANN Group. Every employee is obliged to know and comply with the relevant laws and provisions, including these compliance guidelines. Any breach may have disciplinary consequences up to and including the termination of the employment relationship.


2. Organisation, leadership, supervision

The high degree of independence and personal responsibility enjoyed by the managing directors of the individual Group companies ensures that they are extremely motivated to respond quickly, expertly and successfully to the requirements of the market and customers. The management structure selected to achieve this – comprising responsible managing boards and  managing directors advised and monitored by supervisory boards, advisory boards and the HÖRMANN Industries – serves to protect the legitimate interests of the company and its shareholders  while also providing the best possible support for operating business.


3. Integrity: Compliance with laws and internal regulations

Strict compliance with the law and the regulations prescribed by the HÖRMANN Group for its employees forms the basis for the actions of the HÖRMANN Group’s employees. Fair, correct and legally sound business dealings with customers, suppliers and all other business partners create the foundations for cooperation in a spirit of mutual trust. More detailed provisions are set out in additional binding guidelines of the HÖRMANN Group.

  1. Good business relationships

  2. Cooperation with business partners

  3. Integrity in competition

  4. Integrity in foreign trade

  5. Prevention of conflicts of interest

HÖRMANN Gruppe – Johann Schmid-Davis CFO
»As a family business, we don’t just think in terms of figures; above all, we think about the future, responsibility, solidity, integrity.«

Johann Schmid-Davis, CFO

HÖRMANN Gruppe – Compliance

4. Corporate responsibility

The HÖRMANN Group is aware of its corporate responsibility to its employees, customers and business partners. This includes a responsibility to society and its underlying principles. The HÖRMANN Group and its employees respect the personal dignity of every individual and tolerate no discrimination in the company’s activities around the world. Prejudice on account of ethnic origin, gender or sexual orientation, religion or belief, disability or age is not tolerated by the HÖRMANN Group. Accordingly, we undertake to uphold human rights and international standards on employee protection. The HÖRMANN Group is aware of the scarcity of resources and acts in line with the principles of sustainability. This includes environmental responsibility and occupational safety and protection measures that ensure employees’ physical and mental well-being.


5. What to do in cases of doubt?

If employees are in doubt as to whether a certain behaviour is consistent with these guiding principles or suspect that an irregularity may have occurred, they are requested to report this. They can do this internally by informing their supervisor or the responsible compliance officer. Details of the employees responsible for compliance at the individual HÖRMANN Group  companies are displayed on noticeboards and made available by e‑mail or in the intranet and can also be requested from the management of the respective company. Employees can also consult the Compliance Officer of HÖRMANN Industries

All employees are expressly requested to make use of one of these channels for reporting irregularities. No employee who reports an irregularity should fear being placed at an unfair  disadvantage as a result, even if the notification ultimately proves to be unjustified.

HÖRMANN Gruppe – Satzung

Articles of Association HÖRMANN Industries GmbH

The HÖRMANN Consolidated Group, with HÖRMANN Industries GmbH and its direct and indirect subsidiaries, represents the industrial subgroup of the HÖRMANN Group. Enclosed please find the current Articles of Association of the company as of March 31, 2017 (German only).

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Hoermann mittendrin Diversity

HÖRMANN’s mittendrin magazine focusing on diversity in action

In this issue of mittendrin, the cover story is entitled ‘Diversity in action’, and we explore diversity at HÖRMANN Group.

HÖRMANN Industries publishes financial results for the first nine months of 2021

HÖRMANN Industries publishes financial results for the first nine months of 2021

HÖRMANN Industries GmbH (corporate bond, WKN: A2TSCH) today published its financial results for the first nine months of 2021. In the period under review, the Group's sales increased year-on-year from EUR 366.8 million by EUR 63.2 million to EUR 430.0 million. The increase in sales disproportionately resulted from the Automotive and Communication divisions, whereas the Engineering and the Services divisions continued to feel the late-cycle effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated delays in order placements.

Hörmann Digital Hackathon

HÖRMANN Digital holds hackathon and produces plenty of new findings

It was three days of thrills, putting stamina to the test. This meant working in teams to think, brainstorm, conduct research and wrestle with tough problems until late into the night.

HÖRMANN Group finding fresh ways to attract new employees

HÖRMANN Group finding fresh ways to attract new employees

HÖRMANN Group has decided to run a pilot project to trial fresh ways of attracting new employees and to offer a trainee programme to help staff get started. 

HÖRMANN Group in attendance at groundbreaking ceremony for Funkwerk building extension

HÖRMANN Group in attendance at groundbreaking ceremony for Funkwerk building extension

Years of steady growth and a consistently high level of orders mean that Funkwerk Systems GmbH is starting to run out of space at its headquarters in Kölleda.